Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 14- Paris – St. Louis

Phone rings in the a.m. for a wake up call but we go back to sleep and Gino says not to worry cuz a big Australian will be banging on the door in a few minutes. Brentons at the door and comes in to wake us up.... Uhg we have to leave today and I just went to bed drunk like an hour or so ago. And my voice is just about gone now.
Brenton keeps throwing the comforter at me and its like knocking me down. I grab my purse and walk across the hall to my room, Janine is already up and packing. I just laugh and start getting my stuff ready. Just thinking about how we have to leave is making me cry that day. OK not cry but I definalty tear up. We go to our last breakfast, get on the bus... its all a blur. We ride to the airport and pull over. I seriously have to get off the bus?? I get up, say "goodbye bus" and someone says bye back to me in a funny voice (it was funny to me) I grab my bag and watch everyone getting their bags, hugging, hugging me and I just start crying. This part SUCKS if you really like the people you are with. Im crying worse, I get back on the bus and hug the rest of the people who are staying on the bus to go back to London. I cry and say bye to each one of them. V-Lo is one of them... I have to leave my V-Lo?? FML. Outside some are starting to go in, I think a lot of us thought we would see each other when were inside, I thought so. So not true. The airlines are spread out and its busy, security lines are a nightmare. I have to whisper to anyone I talk to since ive completely lost my voice at this point. Me and Jason and Janine try to meet up, I check in, and the line for security is so long so I go get in it. Now, Ive lost my voice, I have barely slept this entire trip let alone the night before, I was just crying my eyes out and Im looking quite hot at this moment. I pull my glasses on and dont take them off till I get to St. Louis basically. I stand and wait and wait in line. I look over and see V-Mac checking in and then she gets in the security line. My flight doesnt leave for another couple hours so I sit and wait for her. I exchange my last few euros, Im so happy to see American money but its only like 15 bucks. V-Mac gets thru the line and is in tears, her flight was boarding at that moment.


So I walk her all the way to her gate, there about 5 people in line and shes has to go. She starts crying cuz we have to leave each other and Im bawling anyways. This day truly SUCKS. We hug and take crying pictures, and finally she has to leave. I walk her up to her gate and watch her walk down the ramp. The people are staring at me like Im an idiot... but I dont care. I turn and go back to my gate, and wait till its time to board and leave. I wear my sunglasses the whole way home cuz Im passing out and crying (Im a chick cant help it) Its so weird to suddenly be alone and not see your new friends. Its honestly the worst feeling in the world (well at that point it was) I get to Chicago, stuck there for a bit then caught a plane to the Lou. People keep talking to me and its pissing me off cuz I cant talk and I just grab my throat and say I cant talk so they finally leave me alone. I refused to unpack my bag, I constantly look at my pics, and I miss the F out of my girls. V-Mac text me and tells me she "washed her clothes and then threw them all back into her bag because shes still in denial thats shes home". Thats the best way I can describe this day.


"OK, smile thru your tears!"

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